Occasionally, you may get an error when trying to register for a new account on DexToro that says "An error occurred in the cloud." This may happen for a few reasons:
Your email was flagged as temporary or spam: If our systems flag your email as a fake, temporary, spam, or alias email, you will not be able to use it on our platform. This is for security reasons to prevent abuse. Using the "Hide my email" feature on iOS counts as a temporary email and is not allowed.
You are in an unsupported region: If you open the app in a region DexToro does not officially support on the App Store or Google Play, you will not be able to register or sign in.
You need to enable biometrics: Make sure your device OS is updated to the most recent version and that you have biometrics, including Touch ID or Face ID, enabled in your device settings. DexToro requires biometrics to sign you in securely: we never store or directly access your biometric data.
You need to reinstall the app: If you are signing in to an existing account and stuck getting the error "Please enable Touch ID or Face ID" even though you have those enabled, please delete the app and reinstall to try again.